Within four days after delivery, the mother’s tissue demands for nutrients such as the omega-3s are several times those of the pregnant uterus before term. In fact, recent research confirms that 700 to 800 mg of DHA is taken up by the breast milk in the first three months postpartum, and the mother supplementing in the…
There are three groups of nutrients that are believed to be critical for the development of a healthy immune system in your baby. First of all, breast-feeding (albeit challenging at first, but so important) gives your baby valuable colostrum (especially during the first few days), which research proves is full of healthful antibodies needed by the…
Research shows that HDL cholesterol tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver for disposal. HDL acts like a bottom-feeder in a fish tank. It cleans off the walls of the blood vessels, thus removing excess LDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is known as “good” cholesterol because a high level of…
It is estimated that the rates of anxiety and depression in children have risen between five and seven times over the past 70 years. The world our children live in is vastly different from the one I lived in. As a mom, I want to protect my kids from all of it! As we know…
As a dietitian, I naturally have a food-first approach to nutrition. I take great pleasure in preparing and eating home-cooked meals. I want to encourage and empower other people to experience the taste and nutritional satisfaction that come with eating healthy whole foods. But my food-first philosophy always hits a snag on the subject of…