You Put What in There?! by Miranda Malisani, RNCP

Fish oil. Yup, I did. I put it in my frozen treats for the boys and they loved it. Sea-licious Natural Maple Fish oil is so tasty that they’ll pull the bottle out of the fridge themselves and remind me to give it to them. Let’s be clear, I don’t get into great detail of the specific ingredients inside. …


Eat Fat, Get Thin!

The low-fat diet craze of the 1990’s had many of us, women in particular, absolutely fearful of fat. The theory that fat was the nutrition evil (and carbs were king) linked to obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and if we removed all fat from the diet, not only would we lose weight, but we…


Fish Oils Relieve Depression in College Students – By Dr. Michael Murray

What if in the treatment of depression, physicians quit relying on manipulating brain chemistry with drugs and focused instead on supporting brain chemistry? Based upon the results of a new study with fish oil supplementation conducted at the University of Pittsburg, it seems that fewer college students would be depressed or need to be on…


A Pharmacists View on Supplements – “Yes we Do Need Omega-3s”

A Pharmacists Perspective on Supplements As a holistically oriented pharmacist and health writer I am caught (quite willingly) between two worlds – conventional medicine and natural therapies. My philosophy of practice is unique for a pharmacist. I do believe in the appropriate and rationale use of drug therapy, but I also firmly believe in the…


Sea-licious Omega-3 for a Lean Body

Research has found omega-3s to be powerful weight-loss agents, helping overweight individuals shed unwanted pounds. One twelve-week intervention trial studied the effects of omega-3s from fish oil in combination with aerobic exercise three times a week. Study participants were overweight and had metabolic syndrome. The results showed that the total proportion of fat in the…