You Put What in There?! by Miranda Malisani, RNCP

Fish oil. Yup, I did. I put it in my frozen treats for the boys and they loved it. Sea-licious Natural Maple Fish oil is so tasty that they’ll pull the bottle out of the fridge themselves and remind me to give it to them. Let’s be clear, I don’t get into great detail of the specific ingredients inside. …


A Pharmacists View on Supplements – “Yes we Do Need Omega-3s”

A Pharmacists Perspective on Supplements As a holistically oriented pharmacist and health writer I am caught (quite willingly) between two worlds – conventional medicine and natural therapies. My philosophy of practice is unique for a pharmacist. I do believe in the appropriate and rationale use of drug therapy, but I also firmly believe in the…


Nutrition Can help your Kids Stress Less

It is estimated that the rates of anxiety and depression in children have risen between five and seven times over the past 70 years. The world our children live in is vastly different from the one I lived in. As a mom, I want to protect my kids from all of it! As we know…


Big Food for Little Brains

As a dietitian, I naturally have a food-first approach to nutrition. I take great pleasure in preparing and eating home-cooked meals. I want to encourage and empower other people to experience the taste and nutritional satisfaction that come with eating healthy whole foods. But my food-first philosophy always hits a snag on the subject of…